Smooth-Star Door Collection
Find an Entrance Among Many Options
No matter the style, all Smooth-Star doors are secure, weather resistant and durable. All are enhanced with high R-Values for energy efficiency. Smooth-Star doors are available in various textures, including grain choices that mimic the look of wood and a smooth, paintable, more-durable, alternative to steel.

Portfolio Versatility
Find the door with the desired texture and then add glass options and finish options. A deep portfolio of doors—and associated options—adds a level of creative expression, particularly when you are open to a door that says, “This is THE door.”

On-Trend Surfaces
Grain choices with the look of real wood or a smooth, paintable alternative to steel. With Smooth-Star, choose from a selection of on-trend textures.

Panel Embossments
Capture the rewarding character of panel embossments, ready to work with sidelites and rich finishes. No need to prime if you paint, Smooth-Star doors are ready for their close-up.

Whatever you call it, you can find it here.

Looking for something else?
Therma-Tru has numerous possibilities for exterior doors. If you don’t see the ambition you hold for your entryway here, consider other opportunities.